When a [] is removed from the opposing engaged Creature, lower all Disciplines of that Creature by 20.
Brainwashed: When a [] is removed from the opposing engaged Creature, Fazkaal gains [].
Attacks played by your Creatures reduce the opposing engaged Creature’s Disciplines by an amount equal to the damage they would deal instead of dealing damage.
If a Creature has 0 in all Disciplines, destroy it.
Unique, Loyal-M’arrillians or Minions
(Minions use Brainwashed text. Minions may only play generic mugic.
Two words: Boo and Yah!
I am so going Brainwashed next set, whether it is an affordable deck or not. It is just too cool to pass up.
thanks for all the previews, I already have an army in mind for that last mipedian you previewed
thanks again Occasus,
Hmm, I don't like this Mipedian, and I don't like this M'arrillian. But that's ok, still looking forward to the new set. Thanks for the previews Occasus.
woah, this is going to give OW a bunch of trouble
low stats equal destruction
Over world doesn't stand a good chance against the M'arrillian deck that they had there. It never dealt any damage, so you couldn't heal at all...
Gantrak's ability is wicked... but it changes the whole strategy completely!. You can use mugic to protect your self I guess....
Challor FTW!!
Cheers, Savage
ya the bladez deck with the gantrak, chaac, and fazkaal was good i barely defeated chaac and fazkaal okaxor was good to!
booya03 ;)
I am so going Brainwashed too!
Generic mugic is kinda limiting, but I guessing that the mugic in this set will make up for that!
also, now Compistion of Consentration, Song of Focus, and Momental Virtuosity will be even more effective!
btw, Gan-trak is only rare!
that means that we may get one if our decks!
talk about a great start to Chaotic if you get one!
irock72 here. amazing cards! i wonder how many people are going to switch to marrilians? i might post a poll asking about that. thanks for all the previews
I battle all tribes, but focus around Danians offline, and online I usauly don't play too often. Now I need to add a 5th tribe to my list. :) Also I am looking foward to seeing some of these cards in action. I am seeing some major advantiges to having a cheiftan, and some disadvantages. (Also are cheiftans the only actual Maarilins?
ps. Thanks so much for all these preveiws!
Hellz Yeah Brainwashed Danians here I come.
i am totally switching to maarillions!
When they come out, no questions asked, I'm going to become a mixed minions or a UW , Miped minions player.
man the maarillions dont come out till the 17!
marrilian invasion set comes out september 17 blarger just posted it
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