Hello there blog viewers! I am back with another installment of building on a budget with a build that I am growing more and more fond of as I toy around with it. So let's get to it!
1. Clodor/Elixir of Tenacity
2. Khybon/Ring of Na'arin
3. Clodor/Elixir of Tenacity
4. Karraba/Mugician's Lyre
5. Lanker/Mugician's Lyre
6. Na-inna/ Staff of Wisdom
2x Shadow Strike
2x Spirit Gust
2x Quick Exit
2x Delerium
2x Squeeze Play
2x Flash Kick
2x Unsanity
2x Sleep Sting
2x Mind Strike
2x Telekinetic Bolt
2x Catle Bohdran
2x Gigantempopolis
2x Kiru City
2x Fear Valley
1x Castle Pillar
1x Iron Pillar
2x Melody of Mirage
2x Rhyme of the Reckless
1x Song of Resurgence
1x Refrain of Denial (Overworld's version)
I guess you can figure out how this deck works. It focuses on courage and wisdom. You can use Lanker to boost your Clodor's courage, or wisdom if you need to, to make the challenges and get a large amount of mugic counters on Clodor. You should try to get some of them on Karraba, but don't feel like you have to. You should stop around 5 or 6 counters on Karraba, any more would just be healing Color more than his max energy. You have plenty of overworld mugic, have Color cast it instead. If you are about to destroy an opponent's creature, use Na-inna to move counters from another creature your opponent controls to the creature who is about to be destroyed. Mugic counter destruction is something that most people don't prepare for, and it can really hamper a deck's strategy.