Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New blog

Just making a quick post about a new chaotic blog :). I'm sorry for the lack of updates, but we'll see if we can get more out there soon :).


Anonymous said...

Hey Occasus, you got a faulty link there. You basically have your site and then MGH's together, leaving it invalid. Also, there are other blogs like Hikeda's you could ad for, as the rest of the guys I'm sure would appreciate your ads, especially since yours is the most viewed.

PCShark11 said...

No PC link :(


Mandible Muge said...

Nah, Anonymous, I don't think we should litter Occasus' page with our blogs :P He can add who he likes. And I heard about KaoticKazam's blog, I visited it a few times, it's pretty cool :)

KaoticKazam said...

hey thanks Occasus for posting my blog. I wasn't expecting it and I am very grateful