Thursday, June 26, 2008

Twister of Elementalists Follow-up

This is a beautiful deck. I honestly went through it again and again, and whenever I tried to make a change to it, it only disturbed the balance that Chaotic|Cyklik acheived when he built the deck. The best I could do was change one single location.

Just a note, I might change the positioning of Maxxor. Moving him to position 6 would give him a better chance of using
Strain of the Tide to a fuller effect.

Creatures and Battlegear

1 2 3
4 5

1: Iparu equipped with a Elementalists Pauldrons
2: Heptadd equipped with a Stone Mail
3: Crawsectus equipped with a Elementalists Pauldrons
4: Maxxor equipped with a Mugicians Lyre
5: Kalt equipped with a Challor
6: Karraba equipped with a Challor


Song of Resurgence x2
Rhyme of the Reckless x2
Strain of the Tide
Momental Virtuosity


Twister of Elements x2
Ember Swarm x2
Lightning Burst x2
Riptide x2
Vine Snare x2
Ash Torrent x2
Rustoxic x2
Unsanity x2
Inferno Gust
Sunder Ground x2


Carnival of Confusion x2
Kiru City x2
Gigantempopolis x2
Mepidim Mirage x2-Changing to Sands of the Unseenx2
Rao'Pa Sahkk, The Ocean with No Water x2

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